Here a place where I'll include things I am working on. These are things I just want to figure out, some have other purposes, while others I just want to try myself.
Eggdrop (Not Running\Hiatius)
Going on a year now, I've had an eggdrop bot running on named Wolfcub. Wolfcub is an IRC chat bot with many features installed by adding tcl scripts. One of the more popular features, however, is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) I've installed, allowing for very basic conversation. You can chat with her from the link below to see what I mean. I'll post the other commands you can use for the other various features later.
Update (21/05/2014): Wolfcub seems to have run off. I think the server where I was hosting her may have shutdown and I don't think I have her files anymore. I do have a Windrop version, but her AI would have to be remade. I'm not using her at the moment so this is on hold indefinitely.
The Tavern - IRC Room
Online Writing Portfolio
This one might take a while. I'm trying to get my stories and books I've written in the past up on the net somewhere. I've tried free web hosting and posting up a wordpress site, but I can't seem to find a reliable hosting service that doesn't keep going down or isn't deadly slow. So I'm going to try a different approach. I've created a blogger blog to post it all to, and have a sort of "Tales from the Crypt Creeper" feel to it, where the stories I've written are presented as tales told from a mysterious man who passes his time in a medieval tavern.
Tales from the Tavern
Eve Online Blog: Staring at Rocks
I started another blog writted In-Character as my character in Eve Online, loosely based on my play sessions in game. I try and update this at least once a week, but lately I seem to have been slacking
Staring at Rocks