
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little Things

Haven't posted in ever. I even had this blog deleted for weeks. Then decided to undelete and try it again. Not really sure why, but it was a little thing that made me think about it and want to post. I listen to the radio this morning and the roads are bad, accidents all over the place. They say to expect major delays and to take extra time getting to work.

You know, normal stuff for Canada when we get a sprinkle of snow. You think people living here wouldn't freak out like an Elephant before a mouse in cartoons when they see the small frozen flakes fall from the sky. They aren't that distracting. I don't see why they can't keep their eyes on the road and realize that stuff makes the roads slippery so don't go your usual hundred kph to work.

Anyway, fearing to be late to work, I head out at my usual time and assume the radio is either exaggerating the conditions or they haven't been updated on the current conditions because the roads are near empty.....until I get to the ramp to the main highway.

Traffic slows to a crawl and we putter along, the worry stinging in the back of my mind. Here's where the little thing happens that brightens my day. A car on the right signals to merge, I be nice and slow down to let them in front of me. As she merges, I see her window roll down a crack in this minus 20 weather, and a few fingers emerge to wave a thanks in my direction. Most people wouldn't bother and for damn sure not in this cold. We're all trying to get to work and whether or not my gesture of letting her in made a difference in time getting to work, it at least means people are still sociable even early in the morning.


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